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All financial costs are stated in US dollars and payments are made in US dollars.


Cost Tuition Program

One-semester course  $420.00

Year-long course  $610.00

One-semester advanced course  $440.00

Year-long advanced course  $600.00

Year-long virtual course  $650.00

One-semester virtual course  $380.00

Semester advanced virtual course  $490.00

Year-long advanced virtual course  $790.00

The above-stated prices do not include fees or the cost of the books and other resources required for each course (not all courses require additional resources). Many resources are now available in a downloadable digital format for any e-reader. The Course Descriptions section lists the required course materials for each course.



Registration Fee $95.00

Installment plan: one-time processing fee 60/40 plan $25.00

Installment plan: one-time processing fee 4-pay plan $65.00

Installment plan: one-time processing fee 9-pay plan $110.00

Transcript fee  $135.00

Diploma Options   $185.00

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